суббота, 24 ноября 2012 г.

Mail.Ru ответит!

В европейском сообществе Аллодов Онлайн начали собирать вопросы для команды разработки. Причем блоками, каждый регион, отдельно. Mail.Ru, а значит непосредственно и Allods Team, будут отвечать на них. По карайней мере, так написано. Подробнее, по ссылке: http://bit.ly/SVPuEv.

Почему я публикую это? Я думаю, многие были разочарованы ответами разработчиков из того выпуска дневников, поэтому, вот вам второй шанс. Google переводчик вам в помощь. )

PS: А еще я всегда поражался их способность придумывать интересные ивенты.

10 комментариев:

  1. Я валяюсь, кони в бубликах, прочел твой пост, захожу по линку и первый же ответ: "Will they answer this time? I never saw the replies to the last time we did this." Мол, будут ли они вообще отвечать, так как в последний раз была тишина. =)
    Они боятся что-то ляпнуть, так игроки ловят на слове, а потом игрушки падают в рейтинге...

  2. Т__________Т мухаха, нашим нельзя создавать подобные акции. Отвечать не научились еще! Из любой ситуации можно вывернуться, от прямого ответа на любой вопрос можно уйти. Но наши выбирают игнорирование, и... проигрывают. Пичаль...

  3. Hi, I'm one of your French readers. ))
    I think you're wrong to expect better answers for Europeans.
    This proposed question-answers is a strategic communication device, they didn't intend to answer anything other than what they want. :/

    ps: sorry for my english

    keep up the blog, good job ! ;)

  4. Hello. Very nice to hear that my blog are reading outside Russia. )

    You say that we will not hear from them is more than what they willing to tell. Is not this the real problem? I personally thought that they have a different attitude toward European players.

    In Russia, communication with the players established is very bad. Only within the last year we see them more or less the active in this regard. But they are still stubbornly avoid answering questions truly thrilling players.

    I think, so they do not support the confidence of players to the game. All should be the opposite, but, sadly this is not the case.

  5. It's funny because in Europe we think you just a very good contact with the developers. We tred good contact with our Masters of games, but the developers have nothing to do with us except when they lose money. It is our felt :S

    1. We have contact to developers, but it is impossible to tell that it good. After updating 4.0.0 their working nicknames at a forum became more active... but shares information they are afraid. Sometimes a word "let's probably add..." it is perceived as we "will surely add", but it already feature of the Russian player - not to get a grasp, and then to take offense at "bad people" from Allods Team.
      Sorry for my english... Are you speak german? Has forgotten to ask...

  6. Sorry, i don't speak german. (
    I can say "Schnauze!" and "Grosse Hure" but it's very limited! xD
    More seriously, we all agree on the fact that the communication between players and developpers will never truly sincere.
    It's like a Star interview: there are issues prohibited and answers prepared in advance.

    1. No - there are asked questions which developers answer with any nonsense... foggy and tangled... so that without ten liters of alcohol not to understand =)

  7. The very fact that the developers attended the creation of video developer diaries only 3 years after the release of the game, it's about something said.

    But it's better than nothing. All the more so in the game, many of the processes have become corrected in side of friendliness to the player.

    We will not be sad, maybe sometime we will see up to the moment when we will have a more open dialogue with the Allods development team.

    All with the first day of winter! ,)


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